IPV6 VPN: what are the benefits?

IPv6 VPNs provide users with a number of advantages over IPv4 VPNs. IPv6 allows for more direct communication between peers, meaning faster data transfer and fewer hops (and consequently, higher security). Additionally, IPv6 VPNs open up access to IPv6-only websites and services that aren’t available on IPv4 networks. 

It’s clear that the future of the internet is IPv6, and having an IPv6 VPN is an increasingly important part of staying safe online. 

IPv4 is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol (IP) and is the most widely used version of the Internet Protocol. It is the foundation of the internet and is used to identify devices on a network. IPv4 uses 32-bit addresses, which can support up to 4 billion unique addresses.

IPv6 is the sixth version of the Internet Protocol (IP) and is the successor to IPv4. It was developed to address the scalability issues associated with IPv4 and supports 128-bit addresses, which can support up to 340 trillion, trillion, trillion unique addresses. I

Pv6 also offers more efficient routing, improved security, and more flexibility in address assignment.