Weird Websites That Know More About You Than You Think

We all have our favorite websites that we visit on a daily basis. But have you ever stopped to think about how much information these websites have on you? From your browsing history to your search queries, these websites know more about you than you might think. In this article, we’ll take a look at […]

Posted - August 16, 2022


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We all have our favorite websites that we visit on a daily basis. But have you ever stopped to think about how much information these websites have on you? From your browsing history to your search queries, these websites know more about you than you might think. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the weirdest websites out there that are secretly gathering data on you!

Creepy sites. How to protect yourself from them.

We all know that feeling. You're minding your own business, scrolling through your Facebook feed or browsing the internet when you come across something weird. A website that seems to know more about you than you know about yourself. How did they get your information? What are they going to do with it?

These sites are creepy, and they're becoming more and more common. In today's age of big data, companies are collecting as much information about us as they can. They're using it to target ads, sell products, and who knows what else.

So how can you protect yourself from these Creepy websites? Here are a few tips:

-Be aware of the information you're sharing online. Before you enter your email address or other personal information on a website, make sure you know what you're getting into. Read the privacy policy and terms of service to understand how your information will be used.

-Use a pseudonym when possible. Whenever you can, use a username or alias instead of your real name. This will help protect your identity and keep your personal information out of the hands of companies that want to exploit it.

-Browse in private mode. When you browse in

Sites know more about you than you might think.

Websites are increasingly collecting data about us. They know our addresses, what we search for online, what we click on, and sometimes even our offline behavior. This data is then used to target ads and content at us, or even to influence our opinions.

Some of this data collection is perfectly innocent. But there are also many examples of companies using our data in ways that are creepy, intrusive, and even downright dangerous.

Here are some weird websites that know more about you than you might think.

1. Spokeo: This people search engine pulls information from over 60 different databases, including social media sites, property records, and marketing lists. It then compiles this information into a detailed profile of the person being searched for.

2. MyLife: MyLife is another people search engine that pulls information from a variety of sources, including public records, social media, and marketing lists. It then creates a detailed profile of the person being searched for.

3. Whitepages: Whitepages is a directory that includes contact information for over 90% of US adults. It also includes a reverse phone lookup service that allows you to find out who owns a given phone number.

Google and Youtube

We all know that Google and Youtube are owned by the same company, but did you know that they are also some of the most invasive websites when it comes to your personal information?

Sure, we all accept that these companies will use our data to show us ads, but did you know that they also keep track of everything you search for and watch on their platforms? That means they know a whole lot about you and your interests.

And it's not just Google and Youtube. There are plenty of other websites out there that are collecting your data without you even realizing it. So be careful what you search for and watch online, because you never know who might be watching.


Weird Websites That Know More About You Than You Think: TruthFinder

We all know that the internet is a powerful tool that can be used to find out just about anything about anyone. But did you know that there are some weird websites out there that can tell you even more about a person than you might think?

TruthFinder is one of those websites. This website uses public records to compile a report on just about anyone in the United States. So, if you want to find out more about your neighbor or that new co-worker, all you need is their name and location.

TruthFinder will give you a detailed report that includes their contact information, social media profiles, criminal records, and more. So, if you're looking for someone's dirt, this is the website you need to check out.

Pwned is a website that collects and stores data breaches. It then allows users to search for their email address to see if their personal data has been compromised in any of the breaches. This is a great resource for keeping track of your online security and protecting yourself from identity theft.

We all know that we are being watched when we are online. Our every move is tracked by someone, somewhere. But what about the websites we visit? What do they know about us?

Webkay is a website that shows you just how much information is being collected about you when you visit different sites. It's eye-opening, to say the least.

Some of the things that Webkay will show you include your browser and device information, your IP address, and even your location. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

If you're curious about just how much information websites are collecting about you, then be sure to check out Webkay. It's a fascinating look at the behind-the-scenes world of online data collection.

Websites like Facebook and Google have become a part of our daily lives. We use them to stay connected with friends, family, and the world. But did you know that these websites know more about you than you think?

That's right, Facebook and Google have access to a lot of your personal information. They can track your location, what you search for online, and even what you click on.

But don't worry, there are ways to keep your information private. You can use a VPN or browse in incognito mode. And if you're really worried about your privacy, you can always delete your account.

Data Selfie

We all know that social media sites like Facebook and Twitter collect data about us. But did you know that there are other, less well-known sites that are also collecting data about you? Data Selfie is a Chrome extension that does just that.

Data Selfie collects information about your online activity and then creates a profile of you based on that information. It includes things like the websites you visit, the words you use most often, and even your facial expressions.

The point of Data Selfie is to show people how much information they're giving away without realizing it. And it's not just social media sites that are doing this - pretty much any website you visit is collecting data about you. So next time you're browsing the web, think about what sort of information you're giving away - and whether you're comfortable with that.

Weird Websites That Know More About You Than You Think:

We all have our own personal family trees, but have you ever wondered what your family tree looks like? If so, then you should check out This website allows you to input your name and location, and it will generate a list of your ancestors and their locations.

The website also includes a blog section where you can read about other people's experiences with the website. Some people have found that the website is very accurate, while others have found that it is not so accurate. However, all in all, this is a great website for anyone who wants to learn more about their family history.

We all like to think that we're unique individuals. But the truth is, there are websites out there that know more about us than we realize. Take for example.

This website offers a DNA test that can tell you everything from your ancestry to your risk of developing certain diseases. And if that's not enough, they also sell your DNA data to pharmaceutical companies and research laboratories!

If you're not comfortable with the idea of sharing your DNA with the world, then you might want to avoid this website. But if you're curious about what they might know about you, then it's definitely worth checking out!

What will happen to your sequenced DNA?

Weird websites are nothing new. In fact, there are plenty of weird websites out there that know more about you than you think. One such website is This website will sequence your DNA and tell you what will happen to it in the future.

We all know that Target is a retail powerhouse, but did you know that their website is also incredibly informative? By simply inputting your zip code, can tell you what the weather is like in your area, what events are happening nearby, and even what type of products are popular in your region.

How to avoid becoming a victim of sites that collect data

Websites are increasingly collecting data about their users, often without their knowledge or consent. This data can be used to create detailed profiles of users, which can then be sold to advertisers or other third parties. While some data collection is benign and even useful (such as remembering your preferences on a site), other forms of data collection can be more invasive and even dangerous.

Here are some tips for avoiding becoming a victim of these sites:

- Be aware of what information you're sharing: When you sign up for an account on a website, be sure to read the terms and conditions carefully. Many sites will have language buried in the fine print that allows them to collect and use your data in ways you may not be comfortable with. If you're not sure what rights you're giving up by signing up for an account, don't do it.

- Use a pseudonym: Whenever possible, use a pseudonym instead of your real name when signing up for accounts. This will make it harder for data collected about you to be linked back to your real identity.

- Be careful about what information you post online: Once information is posted online, it's very difficult to remove it. So think carefully before posting anything